
London: May 30-June 3, 2024


I stayed in London for a couple of days and walked around the city. It was my first stay in five years. I found that many things had changed.


One of the big changes is increased number of bicycles. There were many cyclists running in the Strand, Bloomsbury and some other areas five years ago. In addition, I found many bicycles in Westminster, Oxford Circus and other central parts of the city. (See the 2nd photo)


More lanes for bicycle have been arranged. Some “bus only” lanes have turned to “bus and bicycle” lanes. The photo was taken in Holborn area.


Increasing number of delivery service by bicycle was also a new development. The photo was taken on the Brick Lane, eastrn London.


Wars in Ukraine and Gaza are, of course, big topics for the country. I saw a gathering to support Ukraine in a square in front of the Parliament on Sunday, June 2nd.
 (see also the top photo)


A meeting of foreign Chinese was also held in the square. One of Chinese member joined the Ukraine meeting and delivered a speech to call for supports for Ukraine, Hong Kong, Taiwan and democracy.


I also met across small meeting of activities of both pro-Israel and pro-Palestine people.


The pandemic of Covid-19 was over, but it has brought various changes for the society. Expansion of delivery services of food and other goods is one example.

On the wall of St. Thomas Hospital in the South Bank (opposite side of the Parliament), I found many messages for the victims of the disease. The wall is about 500-meters long. Some people were writing their messages in the empty places.

Renovations of the towns have proceeded in many places. I found new tall buildings in the City area.


Tourists are back. I found many people gathering at famous tourist spots auch as the Buckingham Palace (See also the 4th photo of the Mall);


Piccadilly Circus;


And the British Museum.

The metropolis was full of energy.




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