
Brussels: May 20-29, 2024

I visited Brussels for the first time in five years (and first time after the Covid pandemic). During my stay there, I visited Amsterdam, Paris, Luxembourg and Brugge.

I found several changes in Brussels since my last visit five years ago.


There are more bicycles than there were. They have more cycle lanes in the roads. 
The photo shows a lane in front of European Commission.


I saw stations for bicycle in many places in the city. The photo was taken in Pl. Espagne near Grand Place. Bicycle sharing services are more popular now.


Many bicycles are also used for delivery of foods and other goods. It may be partially an outcome of the Covid pandemic.


I also found renovations in such fields like towns and transportation system. The pavement is renewed in Bd. Anspach and many new shops are open.


The information board in many railway stations and metro stations are more useful than before.

We can now use public transport system easier than before. Payment is made when we put our credit cards on the reading machines in railway stations and in buses. I also found various change caused by information technology developments.


Wars in Ukraine and Gaza are the biggest issues which shake Europe (and the world). I did not find direct reactions to the issues (such as demonstrations) during my stay in Brussels, but found some scenes related to the topics.

Thirty flags were raised at NATO’s headquarters as Finland and Sweden joined the organization after Russia’s invasion into Ukraine in 2022.


A sticker to call for “boycott Israel” was pasted on the window of a bus. I also saw Palestine flags in some parts of the city.


Belgium plans to have elections – for the federal government, local governments and European Parliament – on June 6th. Campaigns were going on.

Migration is one of the biggest issues in the election. I found many posters of PS (French-speaking socialist party) in Molenbeek district near central Brussels. Many immigrants live in the area and PS offers relatively pro-immigrant policies.


The European Parliament call for people to vote for the EP election. (See the 3re photo)

Various Belgium parties put their posters for the elections on the board. The photo was taken in Luxembourg square near European Parliament.


Many people were spending their ordinary lives. I saw local people as well as tourists enjoying beers and foods in Grand Place. (see also the top photo)


I also found many people enjoying their times in Park de Bruxelles near the Royal Palace.





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