
“Boro-ichi” open-air market in Setagaya: Dec 16, 2023

I visited “Bori-ichi” open-air market held in Setagaya City. It has 400 years of history and is one of famous open-air market in Tokyo.

The market was held in the areas near Kamimachi and Setagaya stations of the Setagaya Line.

About 600 stalls were open at the sides of streets. They sold foods, clothes, accessories, toys, tableware pieces and many other things.

Old books were also sold there.

They open the market total four days – Dec. 15 and 16 in 2023 as well as January 15 and 16 in 2024 – this winter.

The market was crowded with visitors. Setagaya City estimates that about 200 thousand people visit the market each day. (See also the top and 2nd photos)


The original form of the market started in 1578 under the deregulation policy of Hojo Ujiyasu, the ruler of Kanto area at the time. The style of the market changed after the Edo era; current style started after the World war 2.

The local governor’s house, or daikan yashiki, is preserved in the area.

I enjoyed both Bori-ichi market and Setagay’s history.





Yellow carpet of gingko leaves: Dec. 10-14, 2023

The season is turning to winter.

The leaves of gingko trees started to fall.

We find yellow carpets of the leaves in many places in Tokyo.

I walked Hanegi Park in Setagaya City,

The carpet was soft. I saw people enjoying walking.

This is a photo taken in a walking path in Setagaya.



Kofu : Nov. 26, 2023


I visited Kofu City during my Koshu Kaido Walk.

Kofu is a capital of Yamanashi Prefecture with a population of about 190 thousand.

The city is also famous for Takeda Shingen, a ruler of this area in the 16th century. He is still popular and an icon of this area.

The Takeda family perished in 1582, about 10 years after his death.

His statue is places in front of the railway station.


The Takeda shrine was built in the place where Takeda’s castle was. (See also the top photo)


It was a season of shichi-go-san, Japan’s traditional ritual to cerebrate children’s growth, and I found many kids in traditional costumes.


I also visited the ruin of Kofu Castle (Maizuru Castle). The castle was built after the perishment of the Takeda family (after 1580s)/ (See the 2nd photo)

I could see a good view of Mt. Fuji from the castle. (See the 3rd photo)


Many buildings of public services – such as headquarters of Yamanashi Prefectural government and Kofu City office -- stand along a main street downing south from the railroad station.

I found the views of the mountains spread 360 degrees around the city,


Koshu Kaido Walk (13)Isawa-Kofu: Nov. 26, 2023


I had the 2nd day of my late-autumn Koshu Kaido walk. Today’s walked was from Isawa, the 38th shukuba station, to Kofu.

Isawa, a part of Fuefuki City, is famous for its hot spring. It attracts many tourists. But the history of its hot spring is not long. They first found the natural blessings in 1961.

In addition to many hot-spring inns, there are several public facilities. I found people enjoying foot bathing in a public square in front of the railway station.


Isawa area is also famous for its agricultural products such as grape. The agriculture in this area (Fuefuki City, Yamanaashi City including Kurihara, and Koshu City including Katsunuma) is registered as “Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems” by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.


There were many waterflood disasters taking place in Isawa area as Fuefuki River meets with Hikawa River in the area.

Fuefuki River used to flow in the town, but the route moved south by hundreds of meters after serious waterfloods in 1907 and 1911. Now, a smaller Byodo River flows the place where Fuefuki River used to be. (See also the top photo. The river's name Fuefuki came from a flute player boy. The statue is standing on a bridge of Byodo River)


A bus station is places at a place where a main inn of Isawa shukuba station stood in the Edo era. The bus in the photo was for Shinjuku in Tokyo.


Koshu Kaido goes into Kofu City soon after I passed Isawa (Fuefuki City). I walked westwards.

The Southern Alps mountains lie ahead.


Walking about 6 kilo meters, I arrived at Kofu Yanagicho shukuba station. The main inn was here. There are few monuments of Koshu Kaido there.

The area is now a commercial and entertainment area.

I will write the information of Kofu in another post.



Koshu Kaido Walk (12)Tsuruse-Isawa:Nov. 25, 2023


I had another series of my Koshu Kaido walk this weekend. I enjoyed the autumn color, beautiful landscape of the Kofu Basin, historical buildings and monuments and many other things in Yamanashi Prefecture. This is a report of the first fay.


Today’s walk started from JR Ka-Yamato station. Tsuruse shukuba is not far from the railway station. It was the 35th shukuba station from Nihonbashi, (now in Tokyo) in the Edo era.

It was a small shukuba station, but a military checkpoint was placed in Tsuruse. Now, they have a monument there.


Koshu Kaido goes through the mountainous areas. The leaves of the trees were turning red or yellow. Highway runs in and around the mountains.


I found a solar power plant at the side of a mountain. Kashiwao, a historical battlefield at the end of Edo era lies under the plant.


Daisenji Tenple has a long history as it was first built in the 8th century, according to the temple. Its main building was built in the 13th century and is registered as a national treasure.


The red and orange colors of maple trees were so impressive. (See also the top photo)


I found many vineyards in Katsunuma area, the 36th shukuba station. Japan’s first wine was made in Katsunuma in the Meiji era.

There are also many vineyards in the area of Kurihara, the 37th shukuba station. See also the 3rd photo)

Hundreds of grape picking centers stand along Koshu Kaido, I found.

It is out of season of grape. The grape trees do not have fruits (the picking season is from July to October). Still some shops were open to sell vines and other materials.

I walked about 20km before arriving in Isawa, the 38th shukuba station. I will write the Isawa story in another post.

I had views of the Kofu Basin from many places today. This photo, as well as the 2nd photo, was taken from Daizenji Temple.

The photo was taken from Isawa.

The Southern Alps mountains, covered with snow, are behind the Kofu Basin. One of the mountains is Mt. Kitadake of 3193 meter high, the 2nd highest mountain after Mr. Fuji in Japan.

The good view sometime came into my sight when I was walking Koshu Kaido. The photo was taken between Tsuruse and Katsunuma.



Tokyo Equestrian Park reopens: Nov. 5, 2023


We cannot talk about Japan’s equestrian sports without referring to The Tokyo Equestrian Park, or Baji Park in Japanese, in Setagaya City in Tokyo. The park hosted equestrian competitions in the Tokyo Olympic Games in 1964 and 2021.

It is also used for various equestrian events. The site is also used as a public park.


The park has been closed since 2017 for renovation (only parts of the site were open during the Tokyo Olympic Games in 2021).

On Nov. 3, 2023, the park reopened.

I enter the park from the main gate and found a wide lawn fields. Kids were running around.


Facilities, such as a competition arena, office buildings, have been renovated.

There is a walking bridge in a preserved natural forest.

The drinking fountain is horse shape. (See the 2nd photo)


It is good to have a comfortable green-rich park in Setagaya City.





Univ. Festivals: Nov.3-5, 2023



Some universities in Tokyo have school festivals at this season. I visited two universities in my walking areas.


Kokushikan University locates near Setagaya City’s office. They have social science and liberal arts faculties here. (See the top photo)

They have concerts, exhibitions, open-air stalls, discussions and other activities. 

I had a cup of drink at “Ukraine Café,” which was operated by students of law faculty.


I also visited Tokyo University of Agriculture. The university has agriculture and biology-related faculties.

I found tens of tents in the site. They sold various harvests and foods there. (See the 2nd photo)

Students looked enjoying their activities in both festivals.



Sasago Pass: Koshu Kaido Walk (11): Oct 29, 2023


The Sasago Pass
 was the most difficult place to go through in Koshi Kaido in the Edo era. It is 1096 meter high.

I crossed the pass in a fine autumn day. Autumn color has just begun there.

I got off JR Sasago station and walked Koshu Kaido westward. Kuronoda shukuba station located there. The monument of old main inn remains.


The road became steeper as I moved on. I found animal caution signs along the road.


It was more than 6 km to cross the pass and it took about four hours. Old Koshu Kaido goes through the woods in some parts; it has turned into paved roads in other parts. (See also the top and 2nd photos)


I found fences to prevent communities’ fields from animal damages when I entered a mountain path.


I arrived at a place where an old cedar tree was reserved. The tree is called Yadete cedar.


I arrived the peak of the mountain pass. There is an old tunnel which runs just under the pass. The tunnel is called Sasago Zuido and 239 meter long. It was built in 1938.

The photo was taken from the eastern side. (See also the 3rd photo)


I walked down the road. The autumn color of the mountains was beautiful. I found a mark of landslide in a mountainside.


Walking down more than an hour, I arrived in Komakai shukuba station. It is now a small and tidy village.


The monument of old main inn remains.

A local bus operated by Koshu City was running.


The Sasago Pass is a place where the Takeda family, ruler of the area in the late 16th century, has a tragical end. The stature of Takeda Katsuyori, the last Takede leader, stand at the side of JR Kai-Yamato station.


There are three manor tunnels –tunnels of the JR railway line, national road and Chuo Highway – which run under the pass. The tunnels are about 3km to 5km.

The photo is a Chuo Highway bridges over Koshu Kaido near Komakai shukuba station.