
Mt. Fuji from Tokaido: May 5, 2024


It was a beautiful day today.

I visited Shizuoka Prefecture through Tokaido route. I had opportunities to see Mt. Fuji.

This is a scene from Odawara area, about 40km east from the mountain. I took the photo from Odakyu train.

This is a shoot taken from JR Mishima station, about 30 km southeast from the mountain. Mt Fuji looks behind Mishima City.

Fuji City locates about 20km south from the volcano. Mt. Fuji lies behind tea and other fields in the top photo. The mountain is behind factories in the left photo.

Thei photo was taken from Shiuzoka City, about 50 km southeast from Mt. Fuji. The mountain looks behind the city. (See also the 2ns photo).


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